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Lord's Prayer

美 [lɔrdz prer]英 [lɔː(r)dz preə(r)]
  • n.主祷文;天主经
Lord's PrayerLord's Prayer


the prayer that Jesus Christ taught the people who followed him, that begins ‘Our Father…’

Lord's Prayer


  • 1
    N-PROPER 主祷文;天主经
    The Lord's Prayer is a Christian prayer that was originally taught by Jesus Christ to his followers.

  1. I tried to repeat the Lord 's Prayer but I couldn 't speak with my tightening throat .


  2. In the Lord 's Prayer we are taught to ask for the blessing which consists in not being led into temptation.The reason is only too obvious.Whe temptations are very great or unduly prolonged , most persons succumb on them.To devise a perfect social order is probably beyond our powers ,


  3. We will now say the lord 's prayer .


  4. Notice what he says : he gives the Lord 's Prayer , which is familiar to most modern people .


  5. The Lord 's Prayer opens and closes with praise , giving you a good example to follow .


  6. Little Gerda repeated the Lord 's Prayer .


  7. That sounds a lot like the Lord 's Prayer that you yourself may often say in church if you ever go to church .


  8. Recite the Lord 's Prayer - in Russian , Inspector Hornberg ordered .


  9. ( Roman Catholic ) the Lord 's Prayer in Latin ; translates as " our father " .


  10. All Christian children learn to repeat the Lord 's Prayer by heart when they are very young even if they do not always understand it .


  11. The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord 's Prayer .


  12. and when Gerda had finished the Lord 's Prayer , she was surrounded by a whole legion .


  13. Luther didn 't suggest repeating the lord 's prayer , but using it as a model for petitions to bring before god , an outline of sorts .


  14. It is the source of many familiar Christian homilies and oft-quoted passages from the Bible , including the Beatitudes and the Lord 's Prayer .


  15. When you pull the right one , he recites the lord 's prayer , and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd Psalm .


  16. If you notice carefully , this prayer is actually more like what most modern Christians pray in church than is either the version of the Lord 's Prayer in Matthew or Luke .


  17. After the Lord 's Prayer , Ms. Crayton warned her students , " Ebola is still in town , so we just want you to be very , very , very careful . " "


  18. Many ministers and missionaries and Christian workers confess with shame that in spite of all their zeal in the Lord 's work , their prayer life is defective , because they have left their first love .
